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Sale - C33 Medium Weight Throw Over Hide (bag hide)

Sale - C33 Medium Weight Throw Over Hide (bag hide)
A quick use wildlife camouflage hide to break up your shape and outline. Will cover you, your camera, tripod and seat. Easy to use, just throw it over yourself or have it draped over your camera and tripod. No poles or pegs to worry about. Rolls up to fit in camera bag or rucksack.
A quick use wildlife camouflage hide to break up your shape and outline. Will cover you, your camera, tripod and seat. Easy to use, just throw it over yourself or have it draped over your camera and tripod. No poles or pegs to worry about. Rolls up to fit in camera bag or rucksack.


Discontinued Desert pattern (not proofed)

A quick use camouflage hide to break up your shape and outline.
Will cover you, your camera, tripod and seat. Easy to use, just throw it over yourself or have it draped over your camera and tripod. No poles or pegs to worry about.
Rolls up to fit in camera bag or rucksack.
Made from polycotton material.
I developed the Baghide as a quick use impromptu hide for when I was out walking or tracking the deer up on Exmoor. For the deer I would check the wind direction and get myself into position so the deer would walk past and I could get some photos without being spotted. It didn’t always go to plan but when it did it was quite a buzz to be so close.

Wildlife Watching Supplies